CERA Webinar series 2022/2023

Title: CERA 10th Anniversary webinar series: Teaching Assistant Application, Experience and Advice


As the second session of CERA-UK 10th Anniversary webinar series, this webinar focuses on Teaching Assistant(TA) at UK universities. We have invited three experienced Post Graduate Teaching Assistants from three different top universities in the UK to share their experience in applying for and working as TA. If you are not confident in getting your desired TA offer, if you are curious about TA experience, please come to join us with your questions! We will also have a Q&A session at the end of the event.

When and where:

Fri, 13th January 2023, 13:00 – 14:30 UK time


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting number:949 0103 2654


Shuling Wang: She is a PhD researcher in the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge. She is a critical feminist scholar and educator. She is particularly interested in how intersectional racism/whiteness operates in China and impacts educational inequality. Her PhD research focuses on Chinese women teachers' encounters with whiteness. She is a supervisor for undergraduates on courses relevant to International development and education, teaching assistant of qualitative methodology, and facilitator and mentor of the PhD course Pathways to Research in the faculty.

Mixue Li: She is a PhD candidate at University of Nottingham. Her research is to explore the nature of knowledge, how craft knowledge can be taught and learnt, and how learning practice is affected in certain space and time. She is a teaching associate in a BA module for second year of BA student which is called 'curriculums and politics of knowledge'. She also supervised MA students’ thesis writing.

Yuxin Liu: She is PhD Candidate at UCL Institute of Education. Yuxin is interested in teacher education, literacy education, phenomenography and qualitative research methods. Her doctoral project aims to investigate how YuWen (the official first language curriculum in China) teachers understand YuWen. She is a teaching associate in BA Education Studies, Year 1 compulsory module: Understanding Education Research.

Here is the recording link: https://liveuclac-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/zczlpz1_ucl_ac_uk/EZ9M0P3f61hNk7GnhGJE2lUB8cgEotNn1AI91uVstgd4qQ?e=uDPG5S

CERA 10th Anniversary webinar series: Getting an offer of a doctorate program and scholarship at UK universities

Fri, 25th November 2022, 13:00 – 14:30 UK time, Online event

As the kickoff session of CERA-UK 10th Anniversary webinar series, we have invited Dr. Yuwei Xu to share his suggestions and expectations, from supervisor’s perspective, on what kind of PhD applicants are competitive and preferred, and which aspects are more important in applying for a scholarship at UK universities. PhD candidate Jingxian Wang and Runke Huang are also invited to share their own experience on how they successfully got an offer of a doctorate program and scholarship at UK top universities.

About our speakers:

Dr. Yuwei Xu. Assistant Professor in Education and Teacher Development at the University of Nottingham and Honorary Lecturer at UCL Institute of Education, supervisor for MA and PGR students. Dr Xu is a sociologist of (early) childhood, education, and gender; with expertise particularly in gender and men in early childhood education, child agency, child-centred diversity and quality education, parenting, and women in STEM. Dr Xu serves as an editor for Children & Society journal, an associate editor for Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, and an editorial board member for British Educational Research Journal & Journal of Childhood, Education & Society. He is also a British Educational Research Association (BERA) council member and membership lead for Gender and Education Association

Jingxian Wang. She is a PhD candidate at the University of Nottingham and the Vice-chancellor’s scholarship for research excellent (international) holder. Her research interests are family injustice, sociology of children and childhood, hegemony, social exclusion, state sovereignty, citizenship and human respect.

Runke Huang. She is a PhD candidate at the University of Oxford and the CSC-Oxford holder. Her research interests are professional development, teacher-child interaction and process quality.

Here is the recording link

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